126 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Biota Perairan Hutan Mangrove Pasca Tumpahan Minyak Tanker Di Pantai Cilacap

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    One of he ecological limei ions of mangrove Rifest which can not he replaced by other kind of ecosystems is its function as a place for the aquatic organisms living there to nurse their offsprings, to lay the eggs, and to seek the fbods. This function is so essential that this ecosystem should be maintained. Rehabilitation of mangrove has been done, i.e. by replanting the disappeared species on the area. This effort, however, is often unsuccessful. One of the causes is the water pollution. Water pollution might he caused by oil spilling that created an upper layer on sea. The damage resulted by oil pollution is determined by the thickness of oil layer. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of oil spilling recently happened from tankership at Cilacap coastal area on the species diversity of aquatic organisms. The research was established by using sample location of I ha on which oil spilling happened. The sample area was then divided into 3 zones, namely are proximal, middle, and distal zones. At each zone the observations were done on the numbers and species of the vegetation, plankton, nekton and on the environmental factors which consisted of temperature, pl I, salinity and disolved oxygen. The obtained data were. analyzed by using Simpson Diversity Index formula, and to check the significance of the observation data obtained before and after the oil spilling the CR D Varians Test at 5% level of significancy was applied. The result showed that there was an average decline from 281.8 spec/litre to 91.5 species/litre on the phytoplankton density due to oil spilling, ID of zooplankton, necton and the aquatic physical-chemical factors has decreased. The diversity index olzooplankton changes from 0.68 to 0.50, and that of nekton changed from 0.79 to 0.45. These declines might be caused by the decreasing of aquatic quality , i.e. the average temperature is from 27.7°C to 28.5°C, from 7.5 to 6.7, from 3.16 to 2.76, from 1.32 to 0.86% Ibr the changes °Idle p1 I, salinity, organic material respectively. it was concluded that the spilled oil of the tanker at Cilacap Coastal Area has decreased its aquatic organisms species diversity. The measures to mitigate the decrease of the species diversity on the area should be implemented in order to prevent the degradation of the mangrove ecosystem which is more severe. Keywords : mangrove, spilled of I tanker, species diversity

    Kandungan Hara N, P, K Pada Substrat Mangrove Setelah Digunakan Silvofishery Di Kawasan Pantai Utara Kabupaten Brebes

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    The nutrient content of mangrove is a parameter of aquatic fertility level. lie-sides, the high of nutrient content shows that nursery ground function is important for mangrove forest. The rehabilitation since 1994, silvofishery has been used in mangrove areas in the North Coast of Brebes District, an intercropping model between mangrove and embankment. The embankment was formed between caren systems site of mangrove. The embankment gives to fishery production for fishers. Its mount this fishery production would to rate of increasing for energy using. This research objective was to knows N,P,K and organic nutrients content in mangrove after using for silvofishery. The research to do with location determination of mangrove area, silvofishery and embankment about 0.5 ha. In the each location to done got of soil substrate on the middle and periphery area, so to got replication a month for three months. The data analysed using factorial formula. The result showed that the Nitrogen contents in three location had significantly with coefilsien correlation level at 0.87. Posphor content for three locations had significantly too, with coeffisien correlation level at 0.93. If means of turning down level of nutrients from first to third month, so mangrove location and silvotishery had fluctuative nutrient levels. Means of Nitrogen content in mangrove was 0.44%, Posphor nutrient was 13.71 ppm, K nutrient was 177 me/100 g and the organic content was .63%. In the silvolishery area with Nitrogen content was 0.12%, Posphor content was 16.8 ppm, Sodium content was 4.94 me/100 g and organic content was 1.95%. in embankment area had Nitrogen content was 0.45%, Posphor content was 11.57 ppm, Sodium content was 4.66 me/100 g and the organic content was 1.71%. From the result of research could he concluded that mangrove areal using for silvolishery really nut brought high influence of nutrients and organic contants, until silvotishery very important to he developed, because could be profit for mangrove ecosystem. key word:Mangrov

    Peran faktor fisik-kimia habitat terhadap pertumbuhan mangrove di delta cisanggarung pantai utara Jawa Tengah

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    The mangrove rehabilitation using Rhizophora mucronata in Delta Cisanggarung on the North Coast of Central Java showed variation in the density, height, and diameter of the species although they were of the same age. The response might be influenced by some physical and chemical factors. The research goals were to know the variation of physical and chemical factors of habitat in the mangrove rehabilitation area. The Coast line on the mangrove was divided into 3 section, started eastwards from the estuary with a range of respectively, 0-300m, 300-600m, and 600-900rn. Density, height and diameter of trees as well as physical and chemical factors such as salinity, temperature, pH, mud thick, organic matter, DO and the content of N,P,K in each section were measured. The data were analyzed using variance analysis, regression analysis and cluster analysis. Results showed that physical and chemical factors in the 300-600m and 600900m section were not significantly different. However, the physical and chemical factors in 0-300m section were not significantly different with those in 300-600m section and 600-900m section. The important factors in the 0-300m section included pH, organic matter, DO, N,P,K and salinity, whereas the important factor in the 300600m section were pH, K, organic matter and DO. The important factors in the 600900m section were pH, N and salinity. The 300-600m section and 600-900m section showed a similarity in the physical and chemical factors compared with the other section. Keywords: Rehabilitation, physical and chemical factors, mangrove growth

    Klasifikasi Habitat Mangrove untuk Pengembangan Silvofishery Kepiting Soka (Scylla serrata) di Pantai Utara Kabupaten Rembang

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    Pemanfaatan mangrove untuk silvofishery mampu mendatangkan keuntungan bagi masyarakat sekitarnya, maka perlu dikembangkan agar hasilnya optimal dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan klasifikasi karakteristik habitat mangrove yang sesuai untuk pengembangan kepiting soka yang selama ini sudah dikembangkan di Pantai Utara Pemalang. Penelitian dilakukan di Pantai Utara Kabupaten Rembang pada tahun tanam 2000, 2003, dan 2004. Masing-masing tahun tanam dibagi menjadi jalur-jalur tegak lurus garis pantai. Setiap jalur diletakkan 3 petak ukur 5 x 5m sesuai dengan zonasi yang ada pada hutan mangrove, kemudian diukur kerapatan tanaman mangrove, ketebalan lumpur, DO, salinitas, suhu, pH, dan kepadatan plankton. Sebagai pembanding, maka diambil pula data karakteristik habitat di mangrove Pemalang yang sudah digunakan silvofishery kepiting soka. Data pada setiap petak ukur dirata-rata dan dibedakan pada setiap zonasi. Data setiap zonasi dianggap sebagai relevé. Relevé-relevé pada kedua lokasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji pengelompokan atau cluster analysis dengan metode jarak Mean Euclidean Distance (MED). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya cluster yang terbentuk kurang bervariasi. Sepintas terlihat hanya ada 2 kelompok besar yang terpisahkan, yaitu pada jarak cluster 10. Pengelompokan demikian ini cukup bagus karena kemiripan habitat ditunjukkan secara ekstrim oleh dua kelompok besar tersebut. Meskipun pada jarak cluster 5 terdapat kelompok yaitu relevé 3,6,8 dengan relevé 2, namun demikian kurang terlihat jika dibanding dengan jarak di atasnya. Pada umumnya habitat mangrove di Rembang kurang sesuai untuk pemeliharaan kepiting soka, karena hanya relevé 1 yang sesuai. Perlakuan lebih lanjut untuk perbaikan habitat diperlukan agar jenis kepiting ini dapat hidup dengan optimal.Kata kunci: silvofishery, kepiting soka, habitat mangrove, Rembang, relevé. Classification of mangrove habitat for  development of soka crab (Scylla serrata) silvofishery in the north coast of Rembang RegencyAbstractSilvofishery practices as mangrove utilization have been providing various benefit for local societies, thus it needs to be developed for its product optimization and sustainability. Providing suitable area for silvofisheries is crucial for the development of silvofishery. This study was aimed to classify the mangrove habitat characteristics that were suitable for soka crab farming in the north coast of Rembang Regency, following the success of the north coast of Pemalang Regency. This research were conducted in the north coastof Rembang Regency in 2000, 2003, and 2004 planting years. Perpendicular transects to the coastal line were established on each plantation area. On each transect, three plots of 5 x 5 m were established and distributed on each mangrove zone. Mangrove tree density, mud depth, dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH and plankton density were measured from each plot. The measurements of habitat characteristics were also conducted in the mangrove area of Pemalang, where soka crab farming was developed earlier as a comparison between areas with the same plantation period). Data collected from all plot were averaged and differentiated based on Mangrove zonation. Data of each zone were treated as relevé. The relevé of the two study sites (Rembang and Pemalang) were then analyzed using cluster analysis with Mean Euclidean Distance (MED). The results showed that the cluster was relatively less various. There were two main separated groups with cluster distance at 10. This grouping was relatively good, indicated by distinctive similarity of habitat within each group. At cluster distance of 5, there were two main groups which were relevé 3,6,8 with relevé 2 and the rest as other group. Whereas the cluster distance of 5 in the relevé 3,6,8 was grouped with relevé 2, but it was not clearer than above group. Commonly, mangrove habitat in Rembang was less suitable for soka crab farming because only relevé 1 was suitable for the habitat of this crab. Further intervention is required for habitat improvement

    Struktur Dan Komposisi Vegetasi Mangrove Di Kawasan Rehabhatasi Mangrove Pantai Pemalang

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    ABSTRACT Mangrove rehabilitation efforts along Pemalang Coast to improve ecosystem function have been carried out since 1990. Rhizophora mucronata seedlings were planted every year at spacing of 3 x 0.5 m. The objective of this study was to know its sucrIssion in term of composition and structure of the existing planting. The research design used was Factorial Experiment in Randomized Complete Block Design with locations as blocks and planting years as treatments. The number of locations was 3 whereas the number of planting years was 4, so there were 12 experimental units. Each of them consisted of 5 plots of 5x5 m2. The parameters measured in each experimental units were density, height, diameter, canopy width,and habitat chemico-physical characteristics. The results showed that composition of mangrove after two and five year age of rehabilitation consisted of two species, namely, Rmucronata (bakau) as a planted species andAvicennia marina (api-api) as an invation species.A marina grew faster than Rmucronata in three to five years after planting and formed two canopy layers : top layers and second layers. Interaction with environmental factors showed that vegetation density was positively correlated with total N, available P, K and organic matter content. The joint experimental units resulted the improvethent of habitat from sea to land in the mangrove aged 2 to 5

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. di Hutan Pantai Petanahan Kebumen

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    Vegetasi yang tumbuh di hutan pantai memiliki potensi ekonomi yang tinggi, salah satunya disebabkan oleh tingginya zat bioaktif yang memiliki sifat farmakologis. Salah satu spesies yang memiliki potensi tinggi sebagai sumber obat alam yaitu Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi pemanfaatan I. pes-caprae di habitat alaminya yaitu di hutan pantai Kecamatan Petanahan, Kabupaten Kebumen. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode kuadrat ukuran 1 x 1 meter yang ditempatkan secara sistematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan yang paling dekat dengan pantai memiliki biomassa I. pes-caprae yang paling tinggi, yaitu dengan rata-rata sebesar 235,01 gr/m2. Sebaran spesies tersebut dibatasi oleh kompetisi dan naungan. Dalam bidang farmakologis kandungan fitokimia dalam ekstrak Ipomoea pes-caprae memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat. Namun ketersediaannya di hutan pantai Kecamatan Petanahan masih terbatas sehingga belum dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi bahan baku obat alam. Potential Utilization of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. in the Coastal Forest Petanahan Kebumen DistrictAbstractVegetation that grows in coastal forests has high economic potential, one of which is caused by the high bioactive substances that have pharmacological properties. One species that has high potential as a source of natural medicine is Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. This study aims to examine the potential use of I. pes-caprae in its natural habitat in the coastal forest of Petanahan District, Kebumen Regency. Observations were made using the 1 x 1 meter quadratic method which was placed systematically. The results showed that the area closest to the coast had the highest biomass I. pes-caprae, with an average of 235.01 gr/m2. The distribution of these species is limited by competition and shade. In the pharmacological field, the phytochemical content in Ipomoea pes-caprae extract has high potential to be developed as a drug raw material. But its availability in the coastal forests of Petanahan District is still limited so it cannot be developed to become raw material for natural medicine

    The Potency of Cratoxylum arborescens Blume (Geronggang) and Combrecarpus rotundatus Dans (Tumih) as Natural Regeneration in Degraded Tropical Peat Swamp Forest

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    The massive forest fire disasters have left an enormous area of ​​degraded peatland. This study aims to analyze the performance of two species, namely C. arborescens and C. rotundatus, as the natural regeneration post forest fires. This research was conducted in 5 different locations that experienced severe fires in 2006. We made a total of 25 plots for each location to measure biodiversity at four growth levels. We analyzed the data with vegetation analysis formulas from Magurran. The results show that at the tree growth level, C. rotundatus can withstand the fires in 2006 and is currently still growing in more significant numbers than C. arborescens. At the pole, sapling, and seedling growth levels, these species perform well as natural regeneration species with many individuals, but C. arborescens is a bit more dominant. Both species are suitable for natural regeneration after fires in degraded peat swamp forests based on survived and existing individuals. On the other hand, both species could not improve the vegetation diversity in the whole ecosystem. These two species can be the option for natural regeneration if there a limited budget and the degraded areas are in a very remote location. &nbsp


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    AbstrakKegiatan penambangan timah lepas pantai di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan dapat mengganggu komponen biotik mangrove terkait kualitas air meliputi suhu, kekeruhan, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH, kedalaman lumpur, kandungan logam berat dari air laut dan komponen abiotik mangrove seperti vegetasi mangrove dan Plankton. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat mangrove berdasarkan kualitas perairan, vegetasi mangrove serta kandungan logam pada wilayah mangrove tanpa aktivitas pertambangan timah dan mangrove dengan aktivitas pertambangan timah. Metode pengambilan sampel di lapangan dilakukan secara systemactic sampling with random start, kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis independent sample test. Pengujian kualitas perairan dan kandungan logam dilakukan dengan mengacu pada baku mutu kebutuhan biota laut KepMenLH 2004. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada beda nyata rata-rata ketebalan lumpur pada kawasan mangrove alami 64 dan 179 cm pada kawasan mangrove di wilayah pertambangan timah lepas pantai, salinitas 32,56  dan 11,79  ‰, derajat keasaman (pH) 7,3 dan 6,2, oksigen terlarut 15,14 dan 12,82 ppm, kekeruhan 32 dan 9 cm, kelimpahan plankton 435.273 dan 546.800 individu/mL dengan keanekaragaman plankton 4,08 dan 2,99. Kerapatan jenis mangrove alami yaitu 46.600 individud/ha dan kerapatan jenis di kawasan mangrove pertambangan timah lepas pantai sebesar 18.300 individud/ha dengan keanekaragaman jenis 0,74 dan 0,84 dan perbandingan Suhu  28,4 dan 28,7 oC berdasarkan analisis sample test tidak menunjukkan beda nyata. Kandungan logam Timbal (Pb) dan Cu (tembaga) memiliki nilai yang sama, yaitu Pb < 0,0161 mg/L dan Cu < 0,0069 mg/L. Kadar Pb dan Cu di kawasan mangrove alami dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kepulauan merupakan jalur transportasi kapal-kapal yang menggunakan bahan bakar, sedangkan pada wilayah pertambangan timah di pengaruhi oleh limbah buangan hasil penambangan timah.Abstract Tin offshore mining in South Bangka Regency activity can disturb biotic component of mangrove related to water quality such as temperature, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen pH, the depth of mud, the content of heavy metal of sea and mangrove abiotic component such as mangrove vegetation and plankton. The purpose of this study was to find the characteristic of mangrove habitat based on water quality, vegetation, and the content of heavy metal in the mangrove area with and without tin mining activities. The method of sample this research was done in systematic sampling with random start, and then was analyzed by using independent sample test. The quality of water and the content of heavy metal was analyzed referred to sea water quality standards for heavy marine life KepMenLH 2004. The research showed, there were obvious different of the mud thickness average value at the natural mangrove 64 and 179 cm of mangrove area in tin mining offshore. Salinity 32.56  and 11.79 ‰, degree acidity (pH) 7.3 and 6.2, dissolved oxygen 15.14 and 12.82 ppm, turbidity 32 and 9 cm, plankton 435,273 and 54,800 individual/mL which species diversity 4.08 and 2.99. Species density of offshore mining in mangrove area is 18,330 individual/ha and the natural mangrove 46,600 individual/ha which species diversity 0.74 and 0.84 and comparison of temperature 28.4 and 28.7oC of independent sample test can’t show different real. The content of lead metal (Pb) and Cu (copper) having the same value, Pb <0.0161 mg/L and Cu <0.0069 mg/L. Levels Pb and cu in the natural mangrove was influenced by the island was the transportation ships using fuel, while in the tin mining areas were influenced by the waste disposal of tin mining


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    This study aims to describe the characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem waters and the dominant mangrove species that compose the vegetation. Water characteristics include physical properties and some chemical properties of the waters. Measurements are conducted out in situ and laboratory analysis of water samples. Vegetation analysis was carried out using the transect method with a square plot. Data were taken from 5 observation points in April 2018 in the Pulau Panjang Padang Tikar II mangrove ecosystem, Kubu Raya District. The results of the analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the waters showed TSS values ranged from 5 - 9 mg / L, salinity 12-14 ‰, pH 7,61 - 7,77, N-total 1,94 - 5,62 mg / L. There were 8 mangrove species found at the study site with the dominant species Rhizophora mucronata and Bruguiera cylindrica. Mangrove species that grow in the study area are species that have tolerance to medium to high salinity and high inundation intensity.Keywords: Bruguiera, Mangroves, Rhizophora, Salinity, water characteristicsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik perairan ekosistem mangrove dan spesies mangrove dominan yang menyusun vegetasi. Karakteristik perairan meliputi sifat fisik dan beberapa sifat kimia perairan. Pengukuran dilakukan secara in situ dan analisa laboratorium dari sampel air. Analisa vegetasi dilakukan menggunakan metode transek dengan plot kuadrat. Data diambil dari 5 titik pengamatan pada bulan April 2018 di ekosistem mangrove Pulau Panjang Desa Padang Tikar II Kecamatan Kubu, Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Hasil analisa sifat fisik dan kimia perairan menunjukkan nilai TSS berkisar 5 – 9 mg/L, salinitas 12 - 14‰, pH 7,61 – 7,77, N-total 1,94 – 5,62 mg/L. Terdapat 8 spesies mangrove yang dijumpai pada lokasi penelitian dengan spesies dominan Rhizophora mucronata dan Bruguiera cylindrica. Species mangrove yang tumbuh dilokasi penelitian adalah jenis-jenis yang memiliki tolerasi terhadap salinitas perairan sedang sampai dengan tinggi dan intensitas genangan yang tinggi.Kata kunci: Bruguiera, Mangrove, Rhizophora, Salinitas, Karakteristik peraira


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    ABSTRACT           Mangroves in Baluran National Park are one of the natural mangroves on Java Island. Habitat conditions strongly influence mangrove preservation, so any changes can affect species composition. Along with global climate change, it can  directly or indirectly impact on mangroves and their habitat. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of species and distribution patterns of mangroves. The research was conducted in mangroves located in SPTNW 1 Bekol Baluran National Park with an area of ± 288.7 ha with a sampling intensity of 0.5% to obtain 145 measuring plots. Data collections of mangrove vegetation use a combination of pathway and sampling plot methods which are placed systematically. Diversity analysis uses the Simpson index and distribution patterns with the dispersion index/variance-mean ratio. The measurements obtained 22 types of mangroves with 13 species at the seedling level, 19 species at the weaning level, and 21 species at the tree level. The highest density was at the seedling level (8,347.32 individuals/ha). The diversity of mangrove species at the seedling level is moderate, while weaning and trees are in the high category. The majority of mangrove species found have a clustered distribution pattern, with the dominant species being Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora apiculata. Keywords: Mangrove, distribution pattern, diversity, species composition, national parkABSTRAKTaman Nasional Baluran memiliki salah satu mangrove alami yang tersisa di Pulau Jawa. Kelestarian mangrove sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi habitatnya, sehingga adanya perubahan dapat memengaruhi komposisi jenisnya. Seiring dengan terjadinya perubahan iklim global, maka berpotensi memengaruhi secara langsung atau tidak terhadap mangrove dan habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan pola sebarannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada mangrove yang berada di SPTNW 1 Bekol, Taman Nasional Baluran dengan luas ± 288,7 ha dengan intensitas sampling yang digunakan 0,5% sehingga diperoleh 145 petak ukur. Pengambilan data vegetasi mangrove menggunakan kombinasi antara metode jalur dan petak contoh serta diletakkan secara sistematis. Analisis keanekaragaman menggunakan Indeks Simpson dan Pola sebaran dengan Indeks Dispersi/ Rasio Varians-Mean. Hasil pengukuran, jenis mangrove di SPTNW I Bekol ada 22 jenis dengan rincian 13 jenis di tingkat semai, 19 jenis di sapihan, dan 21 jenis pada tingkat pohon. Kerapatan tertinggi pada tingkat semai (8,347.32 individu/ha). Keanekaragaman jenis mangrove pada tingkat semai termasuk sedang, sedangkan sapihan dan pohon berada pada kategori tinggi. Mayoritas jenis mangrove yang ditemukan memiliki pola sebaran mengelompok, dengan jenis dominan berupa Ceriops tagal dan Rhizophora apiculata.Kata kunci: Mangrove, pola sebaran, keanekaragaman, komposisi jenis, taman nasiona